Monday, June 29, 2009

The Past

Looking back probably the biggest cumulative event that ever happened in my life was my loss of confidence. Up through grade school it was beaten down so many times by spiteful people. Its like the old story of chickens trying to raise a young eagle to be like them. At one point the chicken travels to find the eagle and then finds out he is an eagle and that he could fly off at any time. That young eagle was me. 
I think I just never knew that I could fight against this lack of confidence. If I had known how to do that, I know my life would be pretty incredible by now. Well, now I know I'm the eagle in a world full of chickens. This knowledge is the most powerful thing I have. I am so glad I sought out that mentor. 

1 comment:

Alex said...

One of the most powerful things I have gained is the ability to say. "Today is a good day to die!"