Sunday, July 26, 2009

State of the union address.

I've reached a different place. I am now only interested in hookers. I am never going to a bar again to meet women. I will only go out to be social in the park. I don't like drinking alcohol. I give up drinking, and I am no longer interested in pursuing women in any way, or in any way that might be interpreted or construed like that. I will no longer ever restart conversations. I will no longer try to think of things to talk about. 
From now on I will sleep with a different hooker each week to satisfy my sexual needs. I have reached the point where it is too much. I cannot humiliate myself any more. I have been mistreated to much, all women dislike me and refuse to speak to me. My only recourse is to resort to hookers. Hopefully they will like me more, but at least I'll be accomplishing something, rather than destroying my body with alcohol night after night and wasting hours sitting around doing nothing. 
No men want to talk to me, and women want nothing to do with me either. starting tommorow Sunday I shall start my weekly habit. I'm really not sure what the world expects of me at this point. 

On the plus side, I really look forward to committing my life to health and well being. And now I will have ample opportunity to pursue those things I love and have always wanted to do .

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Journey

They say that you should never pay attention to how long the journey is, or the enormity of what it takes to accomplish something great. 
I have the exact opposite point of view.
In my pursuits I find that the MORE I'm able to wrap my head around the concept of the ENTIRE journey, and what it takes, even if it is daunting, the more I KNOW what NEEDS to be done. And that knowing is one of the most powerful motivations for me. 
They say, Oh if something seems daunting, ignore that just focus on the little baby steps. Uhhh, ok then, if that's you're attitude that's all you'll ever take... little baby steps, and you won't get very far. If someone is that scared and intimidated by something, I'd have to say that that challenge is not for them. Truly great things are only for those with great heart, spirit and courage. 
The hardest tasks are so enormous its difficult even to get a sense of the big picture,, but if you CAN, that knowing is pure power for so many reasons. For one thing you will never get discouraged because you know that those results only mean its not quite the time for success yet. For me personally it also allows me to feel free to indulge in the art of traveling through the journey, crafting my experience, and picking up whatever I feel like along the way. 

If someone  were to say to me. I want to do X but, "snivel", its soo much work and it seems sooo huge and daunting"(in a whiny voice). Well sorry but those people are just not cut out for that. Men are born with 2 things, life and will. Not all men are created equal, and most aren't born the genetic qualities needed to be great.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Strong Powerful and Explosive

Strong, powerful and explosive makes for a DEADLY individual. Combine these with stamina and endurance and you have a powerhouse nothing can stop.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Shadow Of Your Life Lengthens

See your life stretched out before you. What will you make of it. What are we put here on earth to do? What is the definition of effort? According to the dictionary it is exertion of mental and physical power. That exertion could be the implement of redemption.