Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Myth of Arrogance/Egoism/Vanity

OK, I am now exposing one of the biggest, most pervasive, and least known myths propagated by government/educational system/big business/religion/ and the general population of idiots who don't know any better and are paving the road to a personal living hell for themselves and everyone else through "good" intentions.
This is that believing in yourself. That you are good looking, sexy, smart, successful, capable, ect are all beliefs of arrogant egotism! Basically every belief that one could have which results in overall fulfillment and success for themself is condemned and "outlawed" by all the above mentioned groups. Talk about one of the major reasons for problems in society.
Especially big business, the self help industry use this fictionalized idea of "arrogance" to sell their progress. Basically by saying, "who are you to think that you know better than us? That you would know what's best for you own good, and that you can make the decision whether or not to buy our product? The biggest mistake you could make is to be so arrogant as to not give us your money, because WE KNOW BETTER.
Well, I'm here to tell you they don't know better. In fact most of them are idiots who have flushed their whole lives down the toilet with nothing to show for it, and even if that describes you as well, it only puts you on an even footing with THEM.
The only difference between this arrogance/egotism and true self confidence healthy mindset, is power of belief. This is a matter of extremes. The least you must settle for is ultimate, absolute belief, affected by nothing even up to the day you day. The same level of belief as the samurai who would die for their honor, or for their belief in fighting. OR of the Zen Master who was resolve to talk to the stones for the rest of his life.

Application of consciously Focused Striven Willpower To Achieving Sexual Dominance

There is no point in attempting to quantify how long it will take to achieve a particular conquest of any internal weakness, because, that involves moving into realms that are the next level, and that one has never been before. Therefore nobody can achieve the perspective and hindsight without actually reaching that destination first to know how much time it will take. Knowing WHAT it will take is obvious and intuitive.
Therfore I forget watching the clock and instead move into flow, where time has no consequence or significance . As long as the cause is worthy, defeating one single weakness is worthy of a lifetime of zen flow, attacking.
My purpose is a fight against all negative, energy of internal and external weakness.


I FAR MORE than excellently fulfilled all requirements for all positions, programs and jobs long ago. A combination of my knowledge, intelligence, and just me being me, although the latter is more than enough on its own.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

6 Characteristics

The 6 characteristics of the ultimately superior man. "Great Man"
1. Dominance. The great man dominates effortlessly in all the categories and traits that matter. Intelligence, genius. Charm, creativity, energy. Appearance. He does so to such an extent that it is astounding and people are in utter shock for never having seen anything close to that before.

2. Being not doing. The Great Man derives is power from being, not doing. He is the power.

3. Not pursuing. The Great Man, never pursues. I never pursue people, jobs, opportunities in life or anything. Rather I let the true course of nature work, and allow these things to pursue me, which is what they want to do. That is the true nature of the universe.

4. The Great man knows about the true nature of the universe, he possesses knowledge about its ways, and he is in harmony with them.

5. The Great Man abides by the philosophy, "If this works, why would I EVER do anything else?" He never settles for the ways of the lesser.

6. The great man has an abundance mindset in all things. He is never afraid to let go of anything in a heartbeat, for fear of scarcity.

7. Bonus: The most important thing to the Great Man, are his values, beliefs, and philosophies. He NEVER takes any advice from anyone, nor does anything that goes against his own values and beliefs.

Of course it goes without saying that because of who he is and his philosophies and values the Great Man, is massively successful in whatever ways he chooses to be.

Stupid Failures and Losers.

Failures and losers do not fail because of what they do or have done. They fail because of who they ARE.

It is a grievous mistake to avoid what failures DO. Because that is NOT what caused them to fail.

I can EASILY go right ahead and do the exact same thing that any number of failures of done, and you will see nothing but RESOUNDING success that will blow your mind. You will see success so great, you never even dreamed it was possible. Why? Because its not about what I do that makes me successful. Its who I am. I can do practically anything, and the result for me will be the same: Ultimate Triumph.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


1. To Be, elusively, power itself, to be domination and living greatness.
2. To do and dominate, without effort, with effortless effort.
3. To take action without doing.
4. To defy and conquer.
5. To love with ultimate unbreakable confidence and belief.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Going out

Does anyone really know what they want when they go out? I think they don't and they also don't think about it. What do they want to happen? To have a good time. The problem is that's too vague. Lots of great convo and craic. People complimenting you. Women pursuing me, inviting me back to their place, asking for my # so that they can text me another time for sex.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Inner Athleticism

Combine all the elements of athleticism into inner peace/happiness, and emotional social skills.
In no particular order of importance.
1. Explosiveness.
2. Speed.
3. Power.
4. Strength.
5. Stamina (strength endurance)
6. Endurance.

What is more important?

What is more important in life?
Some kind of "results"?
Or happiness and ABILITY to TAKE results, whenever I want.

AXP Manifesto

Hear these words, forged in steel and titanium.
The Definition of Domination is submaximal effort (SME).
One must BE, not become, therefore, if one should DOMINATE all others, as I do, one must emphasize the use of submaximal effort at all times. Except those times, when there is no competition involved. THEN, for fun, once in a while, engage MAXIMAL EFFORT. (ME) Only use (ME) when it is me against me.

Other miscelanea:
I am the ULTIMATE and strongest, most powerful force in the universe.
This is the greatest night of my life so far.
Always maintain postion even under criticism from those seemingly older, and more experienced than you, not as a slight against them, but as a NECESSITY to maintain THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF SUCCESS> UNERRING BELIEF IN MYSELF AND WHAT I STAND FOR.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Turning Inward

The journeys of the mind will take you to the greatest and wildest places the universe has ever seen.