Friday, January 23, 2009

I Can't Hold My Tongue Any Longer!

Just got a couple emails from Zach Even-Esh, and he was saying pretty much the exact same thing I was thinking. Enough with these sissies whining and complaining night and day about the economy! Seriously I know its some tough love, but any time I start hearing the victim mentality I know its needed.
How many of those complainers are out there hustling and busting their a$$ to make things happen!? I just got offered a job on the street on my way home a few minutes ago okay, so things can't be that bad.
If anyone remembers the scene from Spaceballs where the guy says "I'm surrounded by assholes!"
That's how I feel right now.

"I'm surrounded by complaining wusses!"

There was a great quote from a recent movie that came out. I forget the name, but Jack Nicholson said it.

"I am not a product of my environment, my environment, is a product of me."

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