Most of the professional athletes in America are NOT actually the best in the world. They do NOT have the best talent, athleticism, skill, or anything. What they do have is one thing, and that is the ability and luck to be able to maneuver up through the political system.
I'll start from the beginning.
It really all starts with at they youth level. At the very youngest level, the best team will be coached by one the young boy's father who has the time, and he'll only allow his son of course first and foremost, and then their circle of friends to be on that team.
Now it wouldn't be that bad if this was the only setback, in fact that's not even that bad, real talent, and real athletes could easily get past this kind of small mindedness. What really kills it is the next highschool level. Here you always have a completely incompetent coach who never had any real ability in the sport. Basically a failure who for some reason wants to keep pursuing it vicariously through others but is inferiority complex now makes him do some pretty strange things, and one of them is ONLY giving preference to the other inferior and mediocre athletes of course just like him! Hmmmm, now we are starting to see a really serious problem. Especially since highschool is the first springboard for all pro athletes in our system. So basically this coach puts down all the athletes with real talent and drive and advances the medicore assholes and interestingly also the popular kids who have even less athletic ability.
I really can't explain the reason behind that one, but I've confirmed the same thing with many other people from different highschools across America.
So anyway to conclude, its easy to see this really weeds out the best talent from the start. Imagine how much greater and more inspiring pro sports would be for the people today if it wasn't a bunch of useless primadonna losers like it is today.
Pro sport is a huge abyss of wasted time and mediocrity. The kind of athletes you see in the leagues today are just an example of how retarded and worthless the whole system, and the impotent effect of all the lame losers involved in the whole process from the very beginning.
One more addendum is that the highest level of Amateur competition should NOT be college! It creates so many more problems. The whole system is ridiculous, and I refuse to support it in ANY way.