Sunday, December 20, 2009
Self Sabotage
Success really isn't that difficult, it just takes some application. I think what really keeps us from success, is that we are both SO unhappy and hate ourselves SO much, that we deliberately hurt ourself by sabotaging success and in other ways as well.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
3 Minute Life Therapy
what's the evidence that you MUST get laid every night.
Overwhelming that is the only thing that society is impressed with. Its the one key proof of worth and power.
What is the value of worth and power to society? Immense.
Could you become unattached to that?
How many women you've slept with and are continuing to, and the their quality, and how much money you have in the bank account.
Is there a difference between that and being happy?
Definition of being happy?
1. Just choosing to be happy.
2. How committed you are to being the best you can be at basics in life, and chosen skill. Getting out of comfort zone, in a strategic way to accomplish that.
Again Emotional, spiritual and physical detachment are key.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A Joke
A squirrel is walking in the forest and see three hunters with their guns, looking like they're about to shoot him. However, they do not realize that he is a talking squirrel, so he say's "What are you doing!?"
The first hunter immediately says Oh, I was just looking for some fruit I'm not hunting.
The second hunter just says Oh yeah me too I was just going for a walk I'm not hunting or anything. The 3rd hunter takes his gun, shoots the other 2 hunters and eats them.
HIp Hip Hooray!
Oh YEAH, finished my unemployment sheet today. I am an awesome machine! I can do it!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
State of the union address.
I've reached a different place. I am now only interested in hookers. I am never going to a bar again to meet women. I will only go out to be social in the park. I don't like drinking alcohol. I give up drinking, and I am no longer interested in pursuing women in any way, or in any way that might be interpreted or construed like that. I will no longer ever restart conversations. I will no longer try to think of things to talk about.
From now on I will sleep with a different hooker each week to satisfy my sexual needs. I have reached the point where it is too much. I cannot humiliate myself any more. I have been mistreated to much, all women dislike me and refuse to speak to me. My only recourse is to resort to hookers. Hopefully they will like me more, but at least I'll be accomplishing something, rather than destroying my body with alcohol night after night and wasting hours sitting around doing nothing.
No men want to talk to me, and women want nothing to do with me either. starting tommorow Sunday I shall start my weekly habit. I'm really not sure what the world expects of me at this point.
On the plus side, I really look forward to committing my life to health and well being. And now I will have ample opportunity to pursue those things I love and have always wanted to do .
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Journey
They say that you should never pay attention to how long the journey is, or the enormity of what it takes to accomplish something great.
I have the exact opposite point of view.
In my pursuits I find that the MORE I'm able to wrap my head around the concept of the ENTIRE journey, and what it takes, even if it is daunting, the more I KNOW what NEEDS to be done. And that knowing is one of the most powerful motivations for me.
They say, Oh if something seems daunting, ignore that just focus on the little baby steps. Uhhh, ok then, if that's you're attitude that's all you'll ever take... little baby steps, and you won't get very far. If someone is that scared and intimidated by something, I'd have to say that that challenge is not for them. Truly great things are only for those with great heart, spirit and courage.
The hardest tasks are so enormous its difficult even to get a sense of the big picture,, but if you CAN, that knowing is pure power for so many reasons. For one thing you will never get discouraged because you know that those results only mean its not quite the time for success yet. For me personally it also allows me to feel free to indulge in the art of traveling through the journey, crafting my experience, and picking up whatever I feel like along the way.
If someone were to say to me. I want to do X but, "snivel", its soo much work and it seems sooo huge and daunting"(in a whiny voice). Well sorry but those people are just not cut out for that. Men are born with 2 things, life and will. Not all men are created equal, and most aren't born the genetic qualities needed to be great.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Strong Powerful and Explosive
Strong, powerful and explosive makes for a DEADLY individual. Combine these with stamina and endurance and you have a powerhouse nothing can stop.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Shadow Of Your Life Lengthens
See your life stretched out before you. What will you make of it. What are we put here on earth to do? What is the definition of effort? According to the dictionary it is exertion of mental and physical power. That exertion could be the implement of redemption.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
My Goals And Dreams
I have 2 life goals.
1. Become a professional musician.
2. Become a professional dating coach.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Past
Looking back probably the biggest cumulative event that ever happened in my life was my loss of confidence. Up through grade school it was beaten down so many times by spiteful people. Its like the old story of chickens trying to raise a young eagle to be like them. At one point the chicken travels to find the eagle and then finds out he is an eagle and that he could fly off at any time. That young eagle was me.
I think I just never knew that I could fight against this lack of confidence. If I had known how to do that, I know my life would be pretty incredible by now. Well, now I know I'm the eagle in a world full of chickens. This knowledge is the most powerful thing I have. I am so glad I sought out that mentor.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Royal Proclamation.
I hereby proclaim I am now and forever more COMPLETELY indifferent. I am completely indifferent to any possible outcome, situation and any resolution. I am completely carefree. I let go of all of it. I give up all wanting sex, or any other result. I Completely let it all go!
Friday, June 26, 2009
In 1945 Steve Reeves found himself stranded in Tokyo with general MacArthur's troops after just recovering from Malaria in World War 2. After suffering from Malaria he found himself physically below par. Of course he was still far more in shape than most people but par for Steve meant having the strength and physique of a greek demi-god. In the whole city of tokyo there were no gyms or any equipment to work out with and this would have discouraged 99.999% of people. Steve Reeves was NOT one of those people. He FOUND a way to get it done, NO excuses. He located an interpreter and took him to the local welder. After a lot of hand gesturing and waving, andy many sketches and directions he had a 300 LB barbell set, and started the very first gym in Tokyo. Soon he had many people attending and as many training partners as he needed (which he didn't anyway). All this because he was a LEADER.
Sex in 5 minutes.
I've always been a big believe in having sex with a woman VERY soon after first meeting her. Of course if you're both attracted to each other. I think that you really need to get that sexual tension out of the way early on, or else the relationship will just never be any good. This is why I have the 30 minute rule. If I haven't had sex with a woman within 30 minutes of knowing her, I just move on. Maybe up to 45 minutes but that's definitely stretching it.
Basically all women have a half hour to get in my pants or I'm gone. I know this is hard for most readers to believe, but YES, it does work.
I am going to be single for the rest of my LIFE!
I love being single so much. I think I'm just going to be this way for the rest of my life. I want absolutely nothing to do with a serious exclusive relationship. All I'm interested in is lots of casual no strings attached sex. I am COMPLETELY incapable of anything more than a purely physical sexual relationship. Once a man has had this there is no going back. Because if this works, WHY WOULD YOU EVER EVVVVVVVVVERRRRRR do anything else!
I want to be single for the rest of my Life!
I love being single so much. I think I'm just going to be this way for the rest of my life. I want absolutely nothing to do with a serious exclusive relationship. All I'm interested in is lots of casual no strings attached sex. I am COMPLETELY incapable of anything more than a purely physical sexual relationship.
Once a man has had this there is no going back. Because if this works, WHY WOULD YOU EVER EVVVVVVVVVERRRRRR do anything else!
I should probably just become a pornstar because that would be my ideal lifestyle.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Great Quote by Dorian Yates.
Everything is always more complicated and fancy in the States. At least that's the way we see it. Everyone (in the States) goes to therapy and all that sh!t, whereas we would simply say, "F@ck that, just get on with it."
Making Something Out of Nothing
You hit the streets. Some of them are cold. Some of them don't respond. But then there are the few with the fuck me eyes. Sex in 5 minutes. If that works... WHY WOULD YOU EVER DO ANYTHING ELSE!!!???
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I READ COMIC BOOKS! Yes here it is for the whole world to see. I read comic books, I love them. I find it very relaxing. I love the dramatic storylines, all the cliches. I like the artwork. I think its very cool. So you think I'm a dork. Whatever. I love them so much I will never stop reading them. Take that!
Why The US System of Sport Development SUCKS!
Most of the professional athletes in America are NOT actually the best in the world. They do NOT have the best talent, athleticism, skill, or anything. What they do have is one thing, and that is the ability and luck to be able to maneuver up through the political system.
I'll start from the beginning.
It really all starts with at they youth level. At the very youngest level, the best team will be coached by one the young boy's father who has the time, and he'll only allow his son of course first and foremost, and then their circle of friends to be on that team.
Now it wouldn't be that bad if this was the only setback, in fact that's not even that bad, real talent, and real athletes could easily get past this kind of small mindedness. What really kills it is the next highschool level. Here you always have a completely incompetent coach who never had any real ability in the sport. Basically a failure who for some reason wants to keep pursuing it vicariously through others but is inferiority complex now makes him do some pretty strange things, and one of them is ONLY giving preference to the other inferior and mediocre athletes of course just like him! Hmmmm, now we are starting to see a really serious problem. Especially since highschool is the first springboard for all pro athletes in our system. So basically this coach puts down all the athletes with real talent and drive and advances the medicore assholes and interestingly also the popular kids who have even less athletic ability.
I really can't explain the reason behind that one, but I've confirmed the same thing with many other people from different highschools across America.
So anyway to conclude, its easy to see this really weeds out the best talent from the start. Imagine how much greater and more inspiring pro sports would be for the people today if it wasn't a bunch of useless primadonna losers like it is today.
Pro sport is a huge abyss of wasted time and mediocrity. The kind of athletes you see in the leagues today are just an example of how retarded and worthless the whole system, and the impotent effect of all the lame losers involved in the whole process from the very beginning.
One more addendum is that the highest level of Amateur competition should NOT be college! It creates so many more problems. The whole system is ridiculous, and I refuse to support it in ANY way.
The problem with Routines
There are many problems and flaws with the concept of using routines.
The biggest one, is the trend towards outrageous stuff. Basically blurting out very unusual/outrageous statements, questions and stories to hold people's attention. Doing this is so far from being suave that anyone who does this I wouldn't put them on the intermediate level. Very beginner stuff, not even amateur. You're just pegging yourself as a wierdo with no social skills. Is that the goal?? That's really the only possible ending, even though you might be holding people's attention and not getting rejected. That is why I put this as the number one reason. It just places you so far away from being that cool person who can fit in anywhere.
Ok number 2 problem with this is it negates the need to get out of the comfort zone where real psychological growth in power occurs. If you're just reciting things you won't learn as much about social life and yourself. Especially if you're saying outrageous stuff out of the blue that really has no context.
Its just not the way to have a conversation.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
A man walks into a bar. He is not wearing a cowboy hat. He is not wearing cowboy boots. This man is me. He doesn't war any of these types of clothing. Nay.
Guide to Elite Conversational Skills
1. Have good energy and have good control over your emotions. Be positive and feel good and confident about yourself. This is the core ability. While other people are feeling unsure of themselves and looking for someone to lean on, you will be the addictive anchor of confidence and good feelings.
2. Smile and crack jokes. Again, most people are severely lacking in confidence and self esteem. They are afraid you might be judging them negatively or that the conversation might take a bad turn, so by doing this you are disarming them and reminding them to just chill out.
3. Ask Questions. First just ask some general questions like where are they from. Just keep coaxing them to say a little bit more, and eventually they'll reveal some topics that they are really interested in talking about. You'll be able to tell these from their body language. Once that happens, ask them more questions about those topics, and they'll do all the talking in the conversation.
4. Be genuinely and powerfully interested in them, what they've been up to and what they've got going on in their life. The real power lies, in hearing what they have to say, not because they will give you some valuable information (though that is a possibility), but because that is the true key to their hearts.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Fun Night Out
Picture this.
A 26 year old man, not shaved for 3 days. Wearing normal blue jeans and a black T-shirt and sneakers, goes out to a bar by himself. He gets to the crowded bar and just stands there by himself drinking a beer, everyone else is there with groups of people. His hair looks like he just got out of bed, and he looks like a mess.
That was me last night.
I was thinking of not even going out, but I figure just 1 drink.
I go to the bar and get a beer. The first thing that happens is the bartender gives me this huge elaborate glass, while everyone else is drinking small plastic cups, and he tells me I'm a VIP. (I have never even seen this guy before). So I'm like "cool thanks". Then a few minutes later some chick comes and approaches me. She starts talking about how she's armenian and eastern european and all this stuff, and I'm just trying to follow Brent's directions and say as little about myself as possible, I think I did a pretty good job. So a couple minutes later she says "Can I get your phone #?, I hope I'm not being too forward". So I gave her the number. A few seconds later I finish my drink while another hot girl is rubbing against me from behind when there's plenty of room and I say "well I'm heading out" And she goes on about how she's going to call me, I tell her to just send me a text.
The wierd thing is though that I had more success just by standing there for 5 minutes than every other guy there who were all dressed in trendy clothes, had good, neat haircuts, were actually there with friends and girls and had social proof...
Energy is the most important thing!
Friday, June 12, 2009
A Cool Vibe
Energy is the secret to charisma! Well first it probably starts with self image. Believing in your core that you have charisma and that you are a cool and charming person. Also attitude is important, having that wild untamed outlook on life. So it does involve more than just energy, but to me energy is the secret unseen X factor. Its the cool vibe, possessed by people like the Sean Connery James Bond. Because the problem is you can have the attitude, and the self image but still not be likeable, so this is the like the final touch on having charisma. Its what real zen masters have. Its that Strong, powerful, subtle calming essence that emanates from these certain people as they speak, or go about their lives. It's an Unshakeableness, a state of being totally Unphaseable. Being absent of the glitches in consciousness, and anxiety attacks that govern most people's lives. Its a positivity, and sense of carefree indifference. Calmness, nonthreatening friendliness, or just an obviously authentic honesty as to ones true inner state of being. Composure, keeping cool, not making a big deal out of anything. Not getting over excited. No exaggerated reactions. The ability to let go of or walk away from anything. Being a good listener. A rare sense of peace. Being comfortable in one's own skin. Staying detached. Having good positive energy, and BEING that way so that it is maintained.
That is the secret key to charisma.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
You Know you're a Blackhearted Rogue if:
You spend your time trying to think of things to do other than robbing liquor stores and beating up little old ladies.
You've woken up with an awful hangover... in jail.
A nice dinner is a bottle of wine.
You are ONLY capable of a physical relationship.
You have no furniture in your apartment room except your bed.
You never date or make phone calls.
You were born on the 13th.
Taking it slow is waiting more than 15 minutes to have sex.
You grew up roaming the city streets and back alleyways.
You will NEVER get married.
Nothing but trouble on your mind.
Best Dream Ever
Had an amazing dream I had a threesome with 2 lovely Russian women last night. One of them got naked and I pounced on her. I will keep this one in mind.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The ultimate situation life is to have NO FEAR OF ANYTHING. I don't care about being homeless, NEVER having sex, Having no friends, no Job, being shunned by your whole family. THIS IS THE EXTREME. It's a theory that can only be proven by risking your entire life! To give up all anxiety about everything, even death itself. Yes, I have gone off the deep end here. But to me its worth it just for the very good possibility, of truth.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Best Rock Singers of all time.
Lou Gramm.
Paul Shortino.
Michael Bolton (when he did metal)
Steve Tyler
Robert Plant (the original)
Bryan Adams
The guy from Journey.
A couple things. First most will say the Bolton thing is blasphemy, but anyone who's heard it knows what I'm talking about. I'm not afraid to speak the truth, his early stuff is incredible. On another note, for Bolton switching to the wussy music ended up being a great career move for him, but the disturbing part is I'm pretty sure he really is like his music sounds. I don't think its just an act...
Second it might seem that too many of these guys are coming from the "light rock" ballads genre or whatever. Well that just happens to be where the best singers are, again, I'm just calling it like it is. As much as I like motley crue and bands like that. As singers, they don't compare anywhere close to the bands listed above.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Social Prisoner's Dillemma
When 2 people find themselves in a social situation, usually what happens is they never meet. Each one is afraid to make the first move socially because of any number of several different possible reasons. For one thing they might be too proud. They might look at the situation and think "I am the cooler person here with higher value (whatever that means to them). That other person should be the one wanting to hang out with me, therefore I'll just let them be the one to break the ice."
Now in this case the other person is either thinking the same thing, or they're too intimidated because they think they have lower social value and would not be well received. Or maybe both people are just scared of being embarrassed and rejected.
The point is, making the first move socially doesn't have to signify anything other than "I am a social person, with no fear of meeting new people, and I have limited time so I will just bust in and get right to it! I also understand that most people are scared to do this, therefore I will be the one to take charge and get the party started."
So all in all the person who who approaches and is the one to start the conversation is NOT signifying they have lesser value, nor does it have to mean they are needy and want something. Instead its about actually being friendly and social in a social setting and not wanting to waste time.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The cosmos. Forever forbidding. Dark.
Since the dawn of history men have created, built and discovered things. Things to shelter them and shield them from the unknown and the mysteries of life. Fire to hide them from darkness. Buildings to shield them from the outside. One of those things, the most powerful construction of them all is their reality. Most stay locked in a self made prison of their limiting reality for their entire lives. But a few men, break free of this prison. The "conventional wisdom" of the masses. Some break free from the self limiting bonds of this prison, and they do not shrink from the unknown.
What few have is the courage to unlock the power within their own hearts. The separate reality. Where men's souls shape the forces that become their lives.
The courage to leave the rest of the world behind and to stand and face against the unseen subtle perils hovering thick and black around our fragile existence.
Monday, April 13, 2009
The strength of the back is the power of the unseen. The power of faith in a ghost of a concept, expertise in self deception for the purpose of always increasing power. The spine supports the strength of heart and spirit. The stronger the spine, the stronger the soul.
Back gives strength to balance and to the spiritual world of the in between.
As the spine extends, consciousness is uplifted and freedom engulfs the human body as negativity and attachment are let go.
Fear of pain, fear of fear, and fear of the uncertain possibilities of freedom are what blocks the way. Filling the distance with cold savored possibilities, already prepared comfort zones. Sex is an inevitability. It isn't scary when you give it up.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
2 Thoughts
Tried some meditation today. I think now is the perfect time to start making this a frequent habit. Or actually not habit, because to me a habit has the connotation of being something that is routine. This is not something you want to be necessarily routine, or just going through the motions.
As I found myself going "deeper", for one thing I was able to achieve some moments of powerful inner peace. I did not consciously attempt to think anything. But the thoughts that did enter my mind happened to be the exact issues which I need to be facing right now. It was cool to see that my subconscious mind is working for me in a positive way by revealing and forcing me to face those most pressing issues. To me this a powerful sign that I am successfully building myself in a positive way.
2nd Thought. Just realized today how amazing it is that all people change and not always in the way I've expected. The friends I thought I would be close with are drifting away, and as some people turn more and more negative, I find myself having to place much less value on interacting with them, and making them less and less a part of my life, until probably they'll be phased out altogether. At the same time others who I never thought I'd keep in touch with I am now hanging out with them consistently. Once negative people have changed their character, and we are able to support each other and share the unspoken positive energy of being committed to becoming better as a person.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
When You're a Stranger
I have to post an amazing quote by the top copywriter in the world. John Carlton.
"We have to constantly remind ourselves we're strangers in a strange land."
A thought this brings up. Anarchists have always been known for their destructive tendencies, vandalism. It must be they just feel it necessary to kick the beast. But why is that? Anger? Is it ever really necessary to kick the beast. I don't know. Its impossible to really know what if any effect it has. I think about this pertaining to the many people who just don't "get it". People who nobody ever to them to just BE COOL. I think there is a place for tough love.
More Dogs of War
Recent realization. One of the biggest dangers that hold people back is that small inner experiences most deem as harmless are actually killers. Buzz killers, agents of the enemy. These have to be eliminated immediately. There's no telling how much bad energy can hold a person back. Assassinate the glitches of inner human experience and thought, both conscious and unconscious. One of the best ways to empy the teacup.
Friday, January 23, 2009
I Can't Hold My Tongue Any Longer!
Just got a couple emails from Zach Even-Esh, and he was saying pretty much the exact same thing I was thinking. Enough with these sissies whining and complaining night and day about the economy! Seriously I know its some tough love, but any time I start hearing the victim mentality I know its needed.
How many of those complainers are out there hustling and busting their a$$ to make things happen!? I just got offered a job on the street on my way home a few minutes ago okay, so things can't be that bad.
If anyone remembers the scene from Spaceballs where the guy says "I'm surrounded by assholes!"
That's how I feel right now.
"I'm surrounded by complaining wusses!"
There was a great quote from a recent movie that came out. I forget the name, but Jack Nicholson said it.
"I am not a product of my environment, my environment, is a product of me."
How many of those complainers are out there hustling and busting their a$$ to make things happen!? I just got offered a job on the street on my way home a few minutes ago okay, so things can't be that bad.
If anyone remembers the scene from Spaceballs where the guy says "I'm surrounded by assholes!"
That's how I feel right now.
"I'm surrounded by complaining wusses!"
There was a great quote from a recent movie that came out. I forget the name, but Jack Nicholson said it.
"I am not a product of my environment, my environment, is a product of me."
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Quiet Desperation
This is a fascinating topic I have been thinking about for a while now, and deliberately getting in touch with. It can be an incredibly powerful and motivating, driving force, or it can be crippling. For most people it brews and bubbles far below the surface, they are rarely conscious of it, and when it does creep into awareness, it is quickly shoved back down.
I think they key is to recognize those moments when it comes close to the surface. Be on the lookout for it coming, even in the peripheral vision of consciousness, and then focus on it as hard as possible. Feel it. Surrender to it and then erase it.
I'll give a hint; think whenever there is a cold silence between people.
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